quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015


I really hope you found this link today, but it's ok if you don't. (LIE) I used this idea of links, but my gift is other thing, of course. I'm really sad because all that I thought for this day didn't work, but I'm ok and thankful. :D  I asked to many people what they think about my gift, few people liked and others no. Then, I'm really excited, but nervous if you will like or no. 

I don't know what you'll think about, but I wanted a place to us. Our communication is only online, I wanted a "home" for us, you know? I really hope sometimes read things that you can write too. Because I really would to know what you are feeling or thinking about me.

 Yeah, I think you already know what I'm talking about (or no). I did a blog for us. And there, I'll put all my texts about you and write a lot more about. And I hope put too pictures to you see my daily and everything, and share moments and others things that sometimes we don't talk about. It will be our home and I really hope you help me to build it too. 

What I want is to document our story for I remember that what's happening is real and too for make me close than you and for you feel close than me. 

I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE. I didn't have so much time for finish it, in the true, there are not a lot of things there. But my break will be for that. hahaha And I didn't write a new text because 18th is for that! hahahaha

Thank you for be my best friend, my confident and my favorite person. You're amazing, beautiful and with a good heart. And I really hope to have more a lot of stories to tell about us and a lot of texts of love about you. Because I really, I really love you since I saw your beautiful eyes, your perfect nose and your awesome heart. 

I love you! ♥

Please, click on link below for open OUR blog and enjoy, it is our home. Welcome my dear!